
Yizhuo Guo

 Yizhuo Guo

Wasteland Nomads

The ‘Wasteland Nomad’ is a passive land-based biomimetic system. It harnesses wind-force to mimic the natural ‘rolling’ and ‘seeding’ behaviors of tumbleweed plants. Operating in a quasi-living state to adapt and respond to its environment. This Nomad is constructed from biodegradable materials such as biochar and seeds of indigenous plants. The structures branch out when moisture levels are met, decompose and seed to enrich the soil with oxygen, stabilize organic carbon, and serve as ecological catalysts to revitalize the land.

With rapid tech growth also comes more abandoned industrial areas. Consider the Fukushima radiation zone, Russian mining areas, and China’s deserted industrial cities. Poor environmental care has led to problems like heavy metal pollution in the soil, harming the ecosystem and climate.

This project explores how we utilise passive biomimetic technology to breathe new life into the acidified soil heathland of the post-industrial era.
