Georgia Stone
Collaborative Casting
In a world where digital practice is at the forefront of our thinking, making and creating, artisan craft practices have seen a decline. Rising costs and accessibility issues have added to the difficulty of practicing and learning these processes.
Collaborative Casting is a mobile foundry easily transported on a cargo bike. It creates a new way to facilitate casting hot metal with groups of people from all experiences. The most valuable tool for the craft community is engaging with each other to share knowledge and insight - the Collaborative Casting foundry provides just that.
To enhance collaboration, the equipment has been adapted to involve more people into each process providing an elevated level of trust and equal responsibility. This small workshop gives its participants a feeling of connection through a collaborative experience resulting in kinship and camaraderie.
Experts and Collaborators
Arch Bronze Foundry
Bruce Maitland
Lisa Evans
Marjee Levine