
Shuwen Yang

 Shuwen Yang

Lost Whale Song

This project explores the complex cross-species relationship between humans and whales. Highlighting the impact of noise pollution on whale communication.

My project echoes this profound link between humans and non-humans, and the painful impact of human activity on the soulful whales. The whales sing haunting and moving songs that resonate through ocean homes, binding their world in meaning. Like them, we humans rely on stirring sounds and music to find purpose in our existence. However, due to our relentless hunger for resources, humanity’s actions gradually silence their voice as their song fades away. We need to bridge the gap between the human and non-human worlds, evoking empathy and awareness of co-existence.

This interactive experience becomes a mediator to invoke our empathy between species through sensory experience. The project emphasizes our deep connection to nature, reminding us that our actions directly impact the whales, their environment, and the preservation of their haunting melodies.

Experts and Collaborators
Ayane Tominaga
